Washington Scholastic Rating System
2003 - 2004: The Top Ten in Each Grade
Boldface: Highest rated player in each grade. Underlined: The most active (in career games) in each grade. To reach anywhere on these pages, players had to be a Washington resident and play a minimum of 15 WSRS rated games last season, without exception. (A) = career games. (B) = games played in 2003-2004 season. (Ratings for this list were closed August 15, 2004.)
Congratulations to the fine young players who made this list! We honor you. And congratulations to the many others who missed the list narrowly, and the many, many others who competed last year in this great game we all enjoy!
THIS IS A FULLY RESET LISTING FOR 2003-2004 done in preparation for the 2004-2005 season. ALL PLAYERS ARE LISTED WITH THEIR NEW 2004-2005 GRADES. (There may be some kindergartners who started competitive chess as pre-schoolers whose grades need to be reset. Please communicate with Kirk Winges concerning any issues with grade coding kwinges@comcast.net). Also provide any school changes, grade changes or updated/new USCF information to Kirk.
last name first school grd ID# rtng (A) (B)
DUMANYAN MARINE RVS M 1617 1780 15 15
KNUDSEN MARCEL LSS M 8826 1740 47 27
SHANKAR PRITHVI ROO M 6905 1660 169 17
AISAKA DANIEL LSS M 5738 1590 293 20
KERMANI AMIN WPT M 7804 1562 47 20
CHEADLE HARRY GAR M 7798 1534 191 33
PALEVEDA NICK SHM M 8361 1522 161 24
MITTE ED MEA M 5208 1514 245 21
DRAPER MICHAEL FER M 9493 1438 167 21
LAM KYLE GAR M 3555 1426 281 17
BINZ KEVIN HSC L 7494 1637 53 24
JUNE PETER SHM L 9213 1596 272 51
MITTE DAN MEA L 1045 1437 235 18
HUFNAGEL ERIC SCH L 2918 1420 94 18
JUSAK JEREMY SHM L 7225 1417 181 54
KURTIS ALEX SHM L 7336 1334 294 71
MORRIS-LENT CHRIS GAR L 3744 1302 23 23
HE SUE HHS L 8029 1269 112 22
TOHNI ERIC SKN L 5071 1241 49 24
HANSEN TYLER SKN L 4336 1239 29 29
WYDE DAVID LSS K 8464 1866 179 37
WYDE BEN LSS K 9563 1839 169 31
LANKA ADI MCR K 2315 1815 124 30
SMITH MICAH POC K 1614 1721 253 24
COPELAND DANIEL SGS K 7468 1714 152 22
TAKI STEVEN MCR K 8861 1710 152 24
MAY TODD HSC K 8184 1599 184 35
MORKILL ALEX SGS K 7568 1533 160 23
MYHRVOLD CONOR LSS K 2949 1390 101 15
FROSH (344)
HSIEH ALAN S. WMO J 6898 1483 188 21
HE YANG HMS J 8036 1483 127 19
ERICKSON KENNETH VHS J 7033 1376 55 25
AKOPOV MICHAEL JML J 5669 1333 65 15
HOOPER JIMMY SAS J 8460 1264 127 32
SHANKLAND SARAH SAS J 4627 1251 217 29
NAST TOMMY UPA J 1402 1214 261 29
CAMBARERI JOHN SGS J 7569 1205 146 20
DAI STEVEN HMS J 9301 1205 95 18
SO CONAN OMS J 4554 1185 61 19
GRADE 8 (474)
CAMBARERI MICHAEL SGS I 5579 1833 168 15
MAY ANDY HSC I 3820 1739 125 35
DIETZ STERLING ECS I 1695 1618 209 38
MORKILL GARRETT SGS I 7559 1513 153 18
WARRIER VISHNU MTW I 7591 1449 64 18
PASCHKE CLAYTON SAS I 8549 1344 157 45
KOHLENBERG JEREMY EVG I 5203 1303 247 19
ARMANCAS GABRIEL WMS I 3664 1276 138 18
OKINAKA MICHAEL EMS I 6932 1266 154 28
GRADE 7 (661)
SHANKLAND ADAM LMS H 6226 1718 257 24
ROBERTS JACOB BUS H 1315 1650 295 15
EMERMAN ALEX UPA H 8556 1513 172 42
TANAKA SHINICHIRO WMS H 8561 1507 200 32
WILLSON ANDREW KIW H 4070 1464 278 33
SELZLER ANDREW KHS H 3732 1404 163 54
TALBOT JOHN MAT H 7264 1373 226 48
ROLFS HENRY KIW H 5503 1336 200 33
YABUSAKI ANDREW LEC H 8027 1327 174 45
TAKI KEVIN IMS H 8812 1300 143 28
GRADE 6 (805)
HUGHES KAMRAN STV G 8284 1590 62 25
DIXON DAKOTA HCS G 1307 1589 208 66
WITECKI THOMAS AST G 8805 1518 257 54
RASSILYER BLAKE VIL G 2779 1442 207 80
MANBER DEVON GRL G 1818 1436 177 64
BLEICH TRAVIS KHS G 9016 1395 222 52
OSTROW ALEXANDER UCD G 7421 1331 206 36
SCHROEDER ANDREW STT G 3713 1320 121 31
SOUTHCOTE-WANT IAN SHE G 1034 1275 312 61
SWANSON CLARISSA KIW G 2563 1264 134 30
GRADE 5 (831)
CHEN HOWARD NLE F 6234 1547 40 20
UMMEL IGOR MSH F 3637 1543 134 29
LI JERRY STV F 6650 1456 101 25
WU DARREN STV F 7528 1449 50 20
BROWN NATHAN WHR F 8315 1329 78 49
DIXON BLAKE HCS F 2926 1321 196 59
BAKER SEBASTIAN KIW F 8925 1307 59 29
GUO ALEX ETS F 7413 1261 53 28
CHOW ALEX WIL F 7419 1259 62 42
RADER GABRIELLA STV F 3016 1224 190 55
GRADE 4 (784)
OMORI MICHAEL WED E 4258 1514 144 38
INGLIS DAVID EVG E 4268 1395 118 43
YANG MATTHEW WED E 4256 1390 173 44
ELLIOTT ZACHARY LKD E 2140 1355 127 38
HO DANIEL KIW E 2666 1308 130 39
MAIDER TATE LAU E 1790 1303 169 56
CANTOR MILO MNT E 4266 1246 103 63
CHIRIAC FRANCIS BRY E 7090 1186 55 35
O'NEAL MAX WWD E 6380 1184 103 49
GRADE 3 (669)
HO ALEC KIW D 1448 1372 130 34
LUO BOBBY EVG D 4225 1332 129 49
WANG MICHAEL PKR D 6449 1309 67 52
LEE NATHAN ISE D 3203 1289 97 55
MAY SARAH COE D 3806 1279 129 38
MA SAMUEL MED D 8135 1257 80 50
LI WILLIAM ENS D 6452 1231 74 44
BRODSKY ANDREW HCS D 4226 1168 139 56
WU DARRYL STV D 9637 1128 79 60
BAKKEN THOMAS MNT D 4224 1123 64 35
GRADE 2 (443)
ORLOV NICHOLAS NSC C 3712 1368 154 50
COLASURDO JAMES STS C 9631 1176 113 44
PURI ANKUSH EVG C 4318 1041 52 52
MOGAN PATRICK LOW C 2791 1015 93 58
JOSWIAK LUKAS BRY C 8722 1012 89 64
MAIDER MADISON LAU C 9712 996 91 48
LEATHERS CAMERON EVG C 3023 993 112 39
LESLIE JOHN EVG C 7535 961 78 48
GRADE 1 (168)*
YU WESLEY EVG B 4032 1085 44 44
CLINE JOSIAH RKW B 3427 996 15 15
BIRNBACH ZAMIR EVG B 3850 972 39 39
MA TIMOTHY MED B 3329 948 25 25
MEISNER SAMUEL SHE B 3568 938 39 39
HU JIAYI SCN B 3570 884 29 29
WILSON DIALLO TTM B 2125 875 30 30
FURMAN SPENCER WLD B 7218 874 30 25
MILLER LEO HMN B 4312 843 20 20
*Note: all students coded as kindergarten last year were automatically advanced to first grade by the rating system. Accordingly, this first grade list may include some students that will ultimately be re-coded to kindergarten because they were actually pre-kindergarten last year. The WSRS makes no distinction between kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students.
1. DAVID WYDE, 1866, grade 10, Lakeside
2. BEN WYDE, 1839, grade 10, Lakeside
3. MICHAEL CAMBARERI, 1833, grade 8, St. George's
4. ADI LANKA, 1815, grade 10, Mercer Island HS
5. MARINE DUMANYAN, 1780, grade 12, Riverside HS
6. MARCEL KNUDSEN, 1740, grade 12, Lakeside
7. ANDY MAY, 1739, grade 8, Home Schooling
8. MICAH SMITH, 1721, grade 10, Portland Christian
9. ADAM SHANKLAND, 1718, grade 7, Lakeside MS
10. DANIEL COPELAND, 1714, grade 10, St. George's
1. Roy Olson III, 1236, 422, Olympia HS, Olympia
2. Lane Van Weerdhuizen, 1574, 364, Lynden HS
3. Victoria Licht, 1021, 328, St. Michaels, Olympia
4. Ian Southcote-Want, 1275, 312, Sherwood, Edmonds
5. Alexis Nast, 1237, 309, Ballard HS, Ballard
Special Note for:
Blake Rassilyer – largest number of games played last year: 80 in single year.
1. SAM HAYNOR, 1799, Lakeside School, Seattle
2. PAUL REEVES, 1792, Blanchet HS, Seattle
3. DANIEL FINE, 1662, Ballard HS
4. ALAN KWAN, 1633, Lakeside School, Seattle
5. CASE KIYONAGA, 1616, Lakeside School, Seattle
6. JONATHAN HEBERLING, 1480, Homelink, Camas
7. KELLY NELSON, 1462, Blanchet HS, Seattle
8. CHRISTOPHER PLEASANTS, 1433, Garfield HS, Seattle
9. KEVIN LENNIL, 1386, Seattle Prep School
10. ZACHARY RADMER, 1342, Issaquah HS
At the end of last season we had reached 8466 players, slightly higher than the previous year. This August the Washington Scholastic Rating System was reset as follows: (1) Graduated seniors were removed. (2) Inactives (those with no activity for 2 years) were removed. (3) All grades were advanced one level. (4) The "this year" games field was emptied. All USCF ratings were updated on August 20, 2004.
We start the new season with 6239 rated scholastic players, 3700 in grades 1-6. Last year we rated over 80 events and over 26,900 games.
ORGANIZERS, DIRECTORS: As I found over the last two years, running the rating system is a lot of work. We never appreciated how much Ollie did until he was gone. In order to make my job easier, I am hoping that all tournament directors will do a few things this year. First, please break down and buy a copy of SwissSys – maybe get an old one from somebody else who is not longer using it. It is so much easier to rate tournaments in SwissSys. Those sent in other formats make a lot more work for me. Any version – even the old DOS versions, work fine in my system. Second, please use the ratings database to do your registration and entry. For those of you using the old SwissMix program, it still works and I am regularly posting updated versions of the RATINGS.DTA file that SwissMix needs on the website (www.whsca.org). Better still is to use the new registration program, available on the website as well. It uses the ratings database files directly and you can always get the latest version of the registrations program and the latest ratings database on the website.
It's a pleasure to work with the Washington Chess community. I work hard to try to keep the system running efficiently. Thanks for your help.
Kirk Winges, August 21, 2004