Washington High School
Chess Association

2012 Washington State
Mini-Teams Championship
Saturday, November 17, 2012


Register by email before 3pm on Friday, November 16th, 2012.


Interlake High School, 16245 NE 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98008    (See Google maps driving directions )

Take these directions with you on tournament day!

From SR-520:


Any Washington High School, Middle School or Junior High School is eligible to enter as many teams as desired.

Note that 5th graders attending a middle school are welcome too. Extra players or singles are welcome – we will compose teams from the extra players. Note, no pre-composed teams from mixed schools will be allowed – all decisions on composed teams will be made by WHSCA staff in an effort to maintain fairness.


One section. It will be a five round, Swiss system section, pairings by TEAMS of three players each. All players on a team must be from same school, except for composed teams by TD staff. TD staff will try to keep teams of two together by adding an extra player from another school.

If there is a tie for 1st Place there will be a speed chess team playoff (Game in 3 minutes with a 2 second delay). The tie-breaks for all other ties for team trophies will be broken by: (1) head-to-head; (2) Modified median (sum of scores, with lowest score dropped for the highest teams); (3) team Solkoff. Teams will not change once set at check-in.


100% advanced registration only by e-mail.

Doors open at 8:45 am. All pre-registered teams must check in no later than 9:25 a.m. to play in the first round.

Players' meeting 9:45.

Rounds: 10:00, 11:25, 1:15 pm, 2:40, 4:00. Awards soon thereafter.

Be patient with tournament directors – team events are difficult to run.

Time Control

Game/30 with 5 second delay (30 minutes per player per game).

Recording of moves required until one player has less than 5 minutes on the clock, when both players may stop recording. Touch-move rules apply throughout entire game.

Player Entries

Only E-mail entries will be accepted!

Send all entries to Dave Ellinger at dellinger@seaprep.org.

All player entries must be received by 3:00 pm on Friday, November 16th.

Be sure to include:

No completely new team registrations on site (except for WHSCA composed teams).

Entry Fee

$45.00 per team ($15 individual)

Make Checks Payable To

WHSCA (Washington High School Chess Association).

All payment for entry fees is to be paid at check-in. Do not mail your entry fees.


Northwest Scholastic Rating System (NWSRS). No memberships are required.


Sets, boards, clocks, writing utensils, competitive desire. Please do not come unprepared to WHSCA tournaments.


An appropriate amount of trophies and medals.


WHSCA staff.

Questions or Concerns

Dave Ellinger at dellinger@seaprep.org.

Day of tournament, call Dave's cell phone 206-458-9403