Washington High School
Chess Association

2016 Washington State
Mini-Teams Championship
Saturday, December 3, 2016


Register by email before Friday, December 2nd at 5:30 pm.


Meridian High School, 194 W Laurel Road, Bellingham, WA 98226    ( See Google maps driving directions )

Meridian High School, Bellingham, WA


Take these directions with you on tournament day!
From I-5 northbound:


Any Washington High School, Middle School or Junior High School is eligible to enter as many teams as desired.

Extra players or singles are welcome! WHSCA staff will compose teams from the extra players.

All players on a team should be from same school, except for composed teams approved and/or made by WHSCA staff. WHSCA staff will try to keep teams of two together by adding an extra player from another school.

Private school coaches may propose a composed team consisting of high school and middle school players from the same private school. Public school coaches may propose a composed team consisting of high school and middle school players that will feed into that public high school. This should not result in the creation of a super team. For instance if a coach has five high school players and four middle school players. The coach needs to make one all high school mini team and one all middle school mini team. The coach can't have their highest rated high school player or highest rated middle school player on the composed team. WHSCA staff will have final approval for all composed teams in an effort to maintain fairness.


One section. It will be a five round, Swiss system section, pairings by TEAMS of three players each.


Doors open at 8:45 am.

All pre-registered teams must check in no later than 9:25 a.m. to play in Round 1.

Players' meeting 9:45.

Rounds: 10:00, 11:25, 1:15 pm, 2:40, 4:00. Awards soon thereafter.

Be patient with tournament directors – team events are difficult to run.

Time Control

Game/30 with 5 second delay (30 minutes per player per game).

Recording of moves required until one player has less than 5 minutes on the clock, when both players may stop recording. Touch-move rules apply throughout entire game.


100% advanced registration only by e-mail. Only E-mail entries will be accepted!

To register, compose your email message and include:

Send all entries to Randy Kaech at chessentry@frontier.com.

All player entries must be received by Friday, December 2nd at 5:30 pm.

No completely new team registrations on site (except for WHSCA composed teams).

Entry Fee

$30.00 per team ($10 individual)

Make Checks Payable To

WHSCA (Washington High School Chess Association).

All payment for entry fees is to be paid at check-in. Do not mail your entry fees.


Northwest Scholastic Rating System (NWSRS). No memberships are required.


Sets, boards, clocks, writing utensils, competitive desire. Please do not come unprepared to WHSCA tournaments.


An appropriate amount of trophies and medals.


There will be some concessions at the tournament site, featuring fresh baked goods!


Tournament Director: Randy Kaech

Floor Judge: Randy Walther


Randy Kaech at chessentry@frontier.com

Day of tournament, call the TD's cell phone 360-543-3223


The Comfort Inn (4.3 miles south of Meridian High School on WA-539) is offering the best deal. They will rent both single king and double queen rooms at discount prices. If at least ten rooms are rented the following rates apply.

They have a pool, hot tub, and full complimentary breakfast.

Comfort Inn, 4282 Meridian Street, Bellingham, WA 98226
Reservations: 360-738-1100