Washington High School
Chess Association

2018 Washington State High School
State Team Championship
Friday & Saturday
March 2 - 3, 2018


Interlake High School, 16245 NE 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98008.    (See Google maps driving directions )

Register your team online before Wednesday, February 26th at 8:00 pm.


Take these directions with you on tournament day!

From Highway 520 Eastbound:

  1. Take the 148th Ave NE exit (go southbound)
  2. From the left lane on 148th Avenue NE, turn left at the NE 24th Street stop light
  3. Drive one mile eastward on NE 24th Street
  4. Turn Right at Interlake HS entrance off NE 24th Street across from 161st Avenue NE
  5. Give yourself plenty of time; these are very congested areas


5 round Swiss system tournament of 5 player teams with 2 optional reserves.

Computer pairing and the place of finish are by team point system (one point per board, all board scores count!).

Teams from the same league will not be paired in round 1.


Teams: Teams: Must place in top half plus one team in each league. If an eligible team chooses not to participate, the next eligible team may replace it. Check with league director. Schools without a league available are "independent" and may enter automatically. Please consult with the tournament director early if you are an independent school (see contact below).

Individuals on a team: The WHSCA website (www.whsca.org) has the complete team eligibility policy but here's a brief summary:

  1. Players must be registered for a majority of their program at the school they represent.
  2. A home schooled student or a student at a school without any chess program may appeal to WHSCA to play for the closest available public school.
  3. Such school should be their resident public school (if one is explicitly stated in district policy) or, if not applicable, the closest public school with a program.


Make sure your contact information is present on your entry form.

Special note: No school can enter this tournament without a full team (of five). If you do not have a full team in round 1, your players will be moved to the all-comers tournament. You must have 5 players for every round. If you think it possible that you won't have enough players for a round, you should enter the all-comers for the entire tournament.

Board Order

Establish your team board order carefully when pre-registering. Absolutely no changes from this pre-registered order will be allowed at the tournament except for the use of alternates.

AGAIN, ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE OF BOARD ORDER FROM YOUR PRE-REGISRATION, EXCEPT FOR ALTERNATES, WILL BE ALLOWED ON SITE AT CHECK-IN!! Call or email Randy Kaech at 206-458-9403 or email whsca.chess@gmail.com the night before if you have changes!

Some teams list alternates from a "just in case" standpoint. This is fine, and it is much easier to for the TD to keep players as alternates than to add players at the tournament site.


Northwest Scholastic Rating System, no membership is required. We will use the latest ratings from the NWSRS database available on Feb 26, 2025. NWSRS ratings are available any time at www.ratingsnw.com.

RATINGS, SPECIAL NOTE: Players must play in order of playing strength.
Board 1 should be your strongest player, board 2 your next strongest player, and so on. Ratings are helpful for this but players’ ratings don’t always indicate their proper strength. Our rules allow a 150 point variance of established ratings on team placement if coaches and captains feel a player is not correctly placed by the rating. Variances of order greater than 150 points should be explained carefully in the registration, and may be challenged by the Tournament Directors. Note that this 150-point rule is for established ratings; ratings for players who have played 20 games or less are considered provisional and are not impacted by this rule; however, players should still be in order of strength.

Time Control

Round 1: Game/60 minutes with a five second delay.

Round 2: Game/75 minutes with a five second delay.

Rounds 3-5: Game/90 minutes with a five second delay.

Recording of games is required except in the last 5 minutes on either player's clock.


Friday: Check in no later than 4:10 pm; verify team roster and any players playing in the All Comers.

Teams not checked in by 4:10pm will be fined clock time in round one.

Classes are in session until 3:30 pm at Interlake High School so parking will be difficult to find until about 10 minutes after the final bell.

All-Players' meeting at 4:20 pm — important!
Friday rounds 5:00 pm, 7:30 pm
Saturday rounds 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm. Round times will not be moved up.
Awards 8:30 - 9:00 pm or ASAP

Tie Breaks

If there is a tie for 1st Place there will be a speed chess team playoff (Game in 3 minutes with a 2 second delay), played with USCF touch-move rules.

The tie-breaks for all other ties for team trophies will be resolved by the following tie-break system, in order:

  1. Head-to-Head:
    If two teams are tied and played each other, their head-to-head result will determine the top finisher. If more than two teams are tied, head-to-head will only apply if one of the tied teams beat all other teams in the tie.
  2. Modified Median: The sum of all your opponent's scores, save the worst-finishing opponent.
  3. Solkoff: The sum of all your opponent's scores.
  4. Cumulative Score: Add together the team's total score after each round.


Clocks, writing utensils. We expect to have enough sets and boards. Score sheets provided.


Trophies to the top twelve placing schools, plus the winning team also is awarded custody of the LaFreniere Cup (the Washington State High School Chess Team Championship rotating trophy) for one year. Medals for members of the winning team. Medals for All-Stars at each board.

Tournament Pairings

Tanner Feemster will manage the pairing and is the Tournament Director.
Randy Walther and Randy Kaech will lead the floor judging, supported by our usual cast of helpful people.

Entry Fee

$50 per team. All entry fees are to be paid at check in. No Purchase Orders accepted. Cash or checks only.

All entries at a minimum must show:
• the full team, in proposed board order
• the NWSRS ID number for each player (if they've played before)
• the grade for each player (for unrated players use the word "new" but grade must always be provided)

All entries must use the online registration page or be emailed to Randy Kaech at whsca.chess@gmail.com by Wednesday, February 26th at 8:00 pm, NO EXCEPTIONS!!


Absolutely no entries on site! No standard mail or faxed entries will be accepted!

Please respect the fact that considerable work must be done with the entries prior to the tournament, and that teams are counting on us to start as close to on time as possible.

REGISTER ON TIME before Wednesday, February 26th at 8:00 pm!!!

Make Checks Payable To

WHSCA (Washington High School Chess Association) during check-in at the event.

General Questions

Randy Kaech at kaechster@gmail.com


On the days of the actual tournament call the TD's cell phone: (360) 201-7694 for issues concerning possible late arrivals, last moment player/team withdrawals or changes or other info that will impact the pairings and/or starting a round on time.

2018 State All-Comers
Friday & Saturday
March 2 - 3, 2018

Date, Site, Ratings, Time Control, Schedule, Registration

All the same as for State Team, above.

Come equipped with writing implements and clocks!


Five round Swiss system individual tournament, computer paired, no limit on number of players from a school.

Two sections:

The tournament director may adjust the rating cutoff to even out the sections.


This tournament is an open tournament for all high schoolers not participating in state team. Players may be extras from qualifying teams, or from teams that did not qualify, or from teams without sufficient players for state team.


A generous number of trophies for both Premier and Reserve sections.

Entry Fee

$10 per player.

A 100% pre-registered tournament. 

The Tournament Director may allow late entries, but anyone who registers late should be prepared to be told they can’t play in the first round (to give the TD time to enter the late-comers).

Please submit your list of players competing in the All-Comers with your State Team Entry. Include first and last name, the NWSRS ID number (or indicate "new" for unrated) and the grade for each player.

Register teams and individual entries using our online entry form before Wednesday, February 26th at 8:00 pm.